Javorina is a manufacturer with a unique style, blending top-tier design, careful craftsmanship, and attention to detail. It embodies the uniqueness of woodworking and the human touch that you can feel throughout the company’s entire approach. With a presence on the market for 75 years, our extensive experience in woodworking and a deep passion for the craft guarantee that Javorina’s products will always be unique and timeless. In 2022, Petr Rokůsek joined Javorina with a vision to transform it into a technologically advanced company. Join us and help shape the story of this exceptional furniture brand.


          Tomáš Majerčák


          Head of Production
Tomáš Majerčák
Head of Production


Our goal is to build a company that is not only grounded in craftsmanship but also globally competitive. Javorina has over 70 years of tradition in woodworking and the creation of unique furniture. Designs crafted by Leo Čellár and other designers are timeless and remain characteristic for Javorina to this day, known for their demand on the market and excellence in both craftsmanship and visual appeal.

The manufacturing industry is conservative. The furniture industry is ultra-conservative, and bringing in new methods and thinking is a challenge you can't pass up.

Jirka Novák, R&D Robotik

Alongside this new vision, a manufacturing company is emerging that holds on to its unique identity while enhancing its DNA with an exceptional customer experience. Through augmented reality, customers can visualize a bed in their bedroom or a dresser in their living room. In our configurator, they can customize precise dimensions and layouts, and can even fill shelves with books.

Ultimate innovation

We are investing in the technological upgrade of our manufacturing processes. We need to speed up delivery to our end customers because today, even when you're ordering premium quality, you don't want to wait half a year for delivery. We have already managed to reduce delivery times from several months to less than 4 weeks. In the future, we are confident that we will create a unique digital experience.

Our ultimate technological goal is to develop a technology that translates the designer's ideas into a finished product.

Petr Rokůsek, Majitel & CEO Javorina

In our production process, we use new technologies such as 3D printing and modern manufacturing software connected to configurators. We are implementing modern quality control through TOF cameras, which allow for efficient semi-finished production. Our aim is to decentralize manufacturing into small units that process local raw materials and allow customers to look into the production process, creating a sense of uniqueness and originality in design.

          Petr Rokůsek


Petr Rokůsek


Extensive pride

If you ask people why you should pick Javorina, one of the answers will be its long-standing tradition and products that we are proud of. In Slovakia, Javorina is a lovebrand for its customers, everyone knows it. We collaborate with architects and designers, and all of them appreciate the high quality and precise design. Javorina is a top-notch company. When we have visitors, they are amazed at the furniture we produce, with such care and attention to detail.

Everyone has a different reason for being here, but for me, it’s because this work makes sense to me. We create something beautiful, durable, and something that brings joy to others. Plus, we have a great team – interesting people attract more interesting people, and at Javorina, you find people who are both smart and wise.

Miro Jurčák, R&D

We’re just at the beginning, and It’s not always easy

It's important to emphasize that we are at the start. Sometimes it's hard for people to see what it means to reshape a manufacturing company. The digitalization of production. Some are afraid of losing their craft, while others just wait to see the outcome. The teams at Javorina are also in a phase of understanding and syncingto each other. You’ll meet super lively colleagues here who were drawn to the vision and joined because of it. You'll also meet people in production for whom Javorina has been a decent employer for 20 years, that want to ensure that aspec Javorina is kept. Javorina is also changing its mindset in a direction that will ensure success.

          Robert Krejča


          CTO & HR
Robert Krejča

          Stano Legutko


          Specialista nákupu a logistiky
Stano Legutko
Specialista nákupu a logistiky

Everyone is part of the future

Or rather, everyone who wants to be is part of the future. If you want the company to grow, you have the space to express yourself, share your opinion, and have a conversation with anyone from the owner to the people in sales.

We want people that join us to want to be part of the outcome, people that want to express their opinions to make the results better, who are courageous, and, very importantly, have self-awareness and can respect the opinions of others and decisions made for the future. We provide everyone with context. At Javorina, people are connected, we tell them where we are headed, share our successes as well as difficult decisions, because we want them to be part of our journey.

"Out of the Box" Thinking

Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results is, according to Albert Einstein, the definition of insanity. Many companies operate on autopilot, and then they lose their spark.

Javorina today operates under the belief that nothing is impossible, nothing is too crazy, and the visions, though ambitious, are certainly not unattainable. The people leading Javorina now are those who look around two corners, who see how the world, customers, and markets are changing, and who want Javorina to thrive for another 50 years. We rely on intuition, common sense, and data, a combination of three factors that is quite rare. What’s beautiful about Javorina is that no matter how far-fetched your ideas are, you always come back to taking wood and turning it into a physical product.

I found something with great craftsmanship, tradition, and something people love. Now, I want to push Javorina towards becoming a sustainable company with digital, decentralized production, minimal logistics costs, and an excellent customer experience. People who are dedicated to this idea came along with me, and I take this responsibility very seriously. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to become the owner of Javorina and to be the one who, along with the team, leads it into a succesfull future. I approach this role with great humility and I am happy from every small success. .

Petr Rokůsek, Majitel & CEO Javorina

To Me, Javorina Is the Fusing the Opposites of the Old and New Worlds. You take something traditional, built with care, and blend it with modern methods, approaches, technologies, and the future. We don’t want one to overshadow the other, we want the combination to create something entirely new.

Tadeáš Bělík, Marketing Manager

Resilience and willpower

In this phase that Javorina is in, where it is transforming. where we are investing in technology and systems whose effectiveness will only be seen over time. In this stage, joy comes from small successes, incremental progress, and glimpses of the vision that is starting to take shape. We don't yet have impressive numbers or huge bonuses at the end of the year. Therefore, we need colleagues who are oriented toward long-term creation. They need to be resilient to changes that must be made quickly, because if they were not made it would cost a lot of effort and resources. We need people at Javorina who see what we're building, from the office to the production floor, and want to be a part of it. People like this are not easily discouraged, and trust us, we give these people our full support.

Creating on a weekly basis

We want to collaborate openly on a human level and create things together. We aim to be interconnected, not separating production from marketing, marketing from operations, or sales from strategy. Each of us is aware that we are part of a whole and that the different parts influence one another. We all have our own tasks, which we fulfill with great freedom and autonomy, but every week, we synchronize to know what’s happening across all areas of the company. This way, we can help each other, inspire one another, and tackle more complex situations together. As two heads are better than one, and when they are surrounded by beautiful furniture and people who respect each other, the result multiplies. Sharing a breakfast together and having each other by your side throughout the day is priceless.

          Adriana Klein


Adriana Klein

Javorina offers space

A space where you can learn, whether you're 20 or 55 – let's just grow together with Javorina. Even a centuries-old oak tree buds and grows each spring, if it didn't, it would be a dead tree. We want to have a vibrant company with people who want to participate in its growth and understand that staying in a comfort zone from 7 to 4 without any challenge means no further development.

It's not easy at 20 or 55, but every time you make progress, every time you grow a bit as a person, and on top of that, you're in a company that is constantly changing, you realize it's worth it. It's worth investing in the future, worth creating something that will added value in the world – Javorina has that. That's why we enjoy it.

          Miro Jurčák


Miro Jurčák

          Michaella McClelland


          Sales Director
Michaella McClelland
Sales Director

Simply a great team

It might sound like a cliché every company tells you, but Javorina truly strives to have a great team. We accommodate people when they need time off, we work things out, and when Javorina needs to step up, we find a way together. One of our advantages is having a small team in production. Javorina isn’t a company with 100 people on a factory floor, we all know each other and know how to help one another. Another advantage is that we have a mixed team. It creates a very family-like atmosphere, some people have been with us for over 20 years, and we know the children and even grandchildren of our colleagues. We all treat each other with respect, and that’s something we want to maintain, strengthen, throughout the entire company and never lose moving forward.

For me, the biggest benefit is the friendly atmosphere we have here. You don’t come to work with gritted teeth. You feel free here, people get along, nothing is strict, and Petr Rokůsek sees not just the machine, but the person behind it as well.

Maria Poláčková, Chief Accountant

I’m really glad to be among people who are motivated. My thoughts and work have an impact, and I’m not just another ant among thousands. I appreciate the freedom we have here and being around people I can rely on.

Eliška Rokůsková, Marketing Specialist

The team spirit at Javorina is that you have to be brave and kind. We need to have relationships in order on a human level, we mustn't lose our humanity even in difficult situations, and during company transformations, that's the hardest part. So far, Javorina is succeeding in this.

Michaela McClelland, Sales Manager


My life is intertwined with wood, and for me, Javorina offers a beautiful product. Thanks to Leo Čellár, we have timeless designs – elegant and enduring, lasting you 50 years. An oak bed from Javorina will never wear out and lose its charm. I believe that with the people we have here today, Javorina will soon make a mark on the Western markets.

Stano Legutko, Specialista nákupu a logistiky

Investing in Relationships

We aim to create relationships that go beyond the standard, but this requires mutual respect and helpfullness. Our long-standing experience in business has shown us that longevity and sustainability can’t be built on short-term exploitation, but rather on long-term investment. We are committed to investing in our products, innovative solutions, and the digitalization of production, as well as in the relationships with people who want to help us create something exceptional, useful, and beautiful, something we can all be proud of together.

Wood breathes, it remains alive even after we have worked with it, you can see it in its structure. It’s not a cold metal. From wood, you can create a fire that is warm, and warms your heart as well.

Annka Strišovská, 21 let ve výrobě Javoriny

Leo Čellár

With his designs, he has given Javorina a soul and set its direction for decades to come.

Javorina represents 25 years of my life. Looking back, it certainly wasn't always easy, but we always had the determination to keep going. At a certain point, we made the right decision to produce our own furniture, which was much more demanding in terms of design and construction. We created timeless, modern furniture on which Javorina grew.

Most of the people we started with are no longer here, but the brand we built still stands and has become iconic. The scent of wood is still heret, and we continue to develop products that are challenging, above-average, and exceptional. Javorina provides the space for creating exceptional things, and I still strive to pass on my experiences to new people.

Oak is demanding, but it's valuable and enduring. It's a living material that will continue to live on through design, craftsmanship, and construction. We know how to process wood to the highest quality, ensuring the Javorina standard.

The way we produce furniture, focusing on durable quality and a lifetime warranty, is the most ecological method of processing. Renewability is a core value for us—for every customer, we plant an oak tree, which I believe is a pretty fair trade for processing wood.

Javorina has always been a local brand with 75 years on the market. We previously produced for foreign markets only through partners, but now we are competing for a position in Switzerland, Germany, and Europe. I believe we have a great chance because our quality is above average, and we now have an owner who is heavily investing in Javorina's future and wants its story to continue.

It could not be done without respect

We are a manufacturing company, and we can't expect everyone to be on the same page. One team dreams of the future technology, another works with wood every day and wants a good environment and support. The third sits in Prague, creating Javorina's visual identity. Everyone believes in our vision – some are more skeptical, others are enthusiastic. Even if you give it your all, you can't just have a single culture. However, you can bring values into such an ecosystem that influence our collaboration at all levels. Values like respect, humility, thoughtfulness, and seeing the people around you as equals, regardless of their context. This is what makes a strong team, this is what creates a mindset that is appealing to both programmers and craftsmen.

The DNA we develop

A true Javorina team member is someone who respects tradition but is also ready to innovate with responsibility and a realistic mindset. This approach allows us not only to grow but also to provide our customers with products that are not only high-quality and durable but also reflect the spirit of the times and needs of the modern world.

Respect for the past

Our employees recognize the value of the past, which is filled with experience, craftsmanship and time-tested values. This respect creates the foundation for their work and decision-making.

Courage to innovate

We’re not afraid to follow our intuition and seek out new, uncharted paths. Innovation isn’t just about breaking old habits but also about the responsibility of replacing them with new, clearly defined, and realistic solutions.


We are not people who blindly follow assigned tasks without our own creativity and responsibility. We seek creative and meaningful approaches that move the company forward.

Creative Thinking

We are not the kind who only criticize without offering meaningful suggestions for improvement. Our innovations are well-thought-out, grounded in reality, and lead to concrete goals.

Not afraid to take responsibility

Don't be afraid to take on responsibility. Take the task and create it in a way that makes the most sense for both you and the whole. Taking responsibility isn’t easy, but no modern team can function without it.

You’re here because you want to

We do this because we enjoy it. Even coming to work and being on the production line can be something you look forward to. I believe that Javorina offers the chance to be part of something meaningful and can provide people with the opportunity for self-realization at every level.

I really like how Javorina is modernizing, you can see it in production every month. Small changes and big changes too. We’re modernizing, adjusting the system so we can increase production capacity and manufacture faster while maintaining the same quality. I also appreciate that there are specific goals set for the future.

Adriana Klein, Produkční

Javorina is a matter of the heart. It resonates with our clients – it's beautiful, these are gorgeous products that have a heart, history, and quality. It feels home, coziness, and good relationships.

Martina Vagnerová, Sales Specialist

What’s great about Javorina is the very short distance between teams. We are a small company focused on product and innovation, and everything is very unified. We are setting a highly collaborative culture, which allows for that startup mindset to thrive.

Tadeáš Bělík, Marketing Manager


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