Be in good company
We follow a simple principle – we only present those companies we would happily recommend to a friend looking for work. We make these companies excel among their competitors at the job market.
COCUMA approach
We describe what the candidate will find with you
Values, a vision, the environment, relationships, company DNA and its identity – that will draw more people than a load of benefits. Nowadays it’s not enough to tell people what you do. Both your current and future colleagues are much more interested in the “how and why. People can choose – they can work in some company, or they can end up in a great company that is not afraid and talks about itself in an open and authentic way as it has got nothing to hide. On the contrary, it’s got a lot to show.
Thanks to capturing your company culture authentically, the applicants know what is waiting for them, and they choose you based on how your work style and environment suits them. If it doesn‘t suit them, that‘s alright. We don‘t try to persuade them as it would not work anyway – they themselves best know what they expect from their new jobs. On the contrary, we believe that if someone decides not to start working for you after reading your profile, it is the best thing for both them and your company. We can pinpoint and present the uniqueness and added value of YOUR company culture.
We create everything ourselves, based on a deep understanding of the workings of your company
We don‘t use shortcuts and we don‘t try to make our job easier. We depend on an individualized approach. We never work with texts you have on your own websites or which you would write yourselves. We always create brand new content which mirrors our external perspective and, at the same time, the insight we are able to gain through many hours of interviews with your employees. Each company profile is created based on many hours of getting to know your company, and that is why every profile is unique in its content.
We carefully choose which companies to present
Our concept is exclusive. It can be compared to the Michelin star in gastronomy. We cooperate with those companies we believe in – we believe their employees are important for them, we believe they are fair and ethical, we believe they offer meaningful jobs, not just an „occupation“. We promote these companies with enthusiasm, helping them shine.
Exit is not our goal, we don‘t want to compete with the biggest job portals. We also don‘t want to get big ASAP and sell our concept abroad. We chose a different path. We want to help great companies and provide space for those company cultures that deserve it. We want to create a unique community of smart people and firms that can meet and cooperate through us. We want to inspire the whole job market towards and change and give our know-how to companies that are worth it. We work for those leaders proud of their teams, for teams proud of their results, and for people proud of their values.
The charm and personality of all companies is in the way they work on the inside. Not in what it does but how it does it.
That is why we present companies through their leaders, workplace and environment, vision and the know-how of their work.
We believe that authenticity and honesty are the reason why some companies don't need to control, task, and push their colleagues forward with meaningless KPI's. That's because since time immemorial, people have been more likely to follow authentic leaders who offered them meaning and honesty in their collaborations.
We may be naive, but we believe that trust is more valuable than any contract. If we want companies to let us go beyond the boardroom next to the reception desk, we have to offer them more than the number of profile views and one article a year. We need to offer them a product that really helps them and not betray their trust.
Everything around us is based on relationships, they are either good or bad. We have decided that we not only want good relationships between ourselves or between us and our customers, but we want to build relationships between our customers so that they can help each other or collaborate on something, so we are creating a community that fosters those relationships.
You will meet with Skondr, Michal and Janka while creating your profile
We don‘t try to save money by hiring students or beginning photographers. On the contrary, we choose those we believe in, those who believe in the COCUMA spirit and have enough expertise to understand what you stand for.
Petr Skondr
CEO and founder of COCUMA. He‘s been working in HR for over 26 years, he‘s been fascinated by company cultures and their employees for at least 5. He is a people person. You will meet him either during the interviews, during lectures on company cultures or when he is mentoring leaders and teams.
In addition, he develops and mentors strategic teams mainly in the manufacturing sector.
Janka Orlovská
Before COCUMA, Janka had been writing articles she didn‘t have faith in. In COCUMA she found out she can meet people who truly enjoy their jobs, and that‘s what she loves. She researches companies together with Michal or Skondr, she creates content and takes care of their renewal. At cocuma is now in charge of updating profiles. Aside from cocuma, she is studying psychology.
Michal Poppe
Michal used to co-own a digital web agency but sustainability and raw lifestyle are his real passions. That‘s why he moved to Zlín with his wife where they run a package-free store. He joined COCUMA because he enjoy the truthfulness with which we present companies and the fact we choose them individually. At cocuma he is in charge of tech company profiles and creating new concepts. Outside of cocuma, he is co-producer of the educational portal Red Button Edu.

A company profile is just the beginning
We update content regularly during the whole year
Our goal is not to make a profile and then send you an invoice once a year and occasionally update the texts. Our goal is for you to have a perfect tool that is up-to-date and functional at all times. That's why whenever you move, we come and take pictures of your new office, regardless of the fact that there is no license renewal period. When you have someone come into your business that you want to add to your profile, we will come in and shoot a new video. We just take care of the outcome throughout the whole time we're working together.

We connect COCUMA companies and create a functional community
We build a community in which COCUMA companies can meet and share their experience of finding the uniqueness of their culture, engaged employees and an environment where respect and individuality matter more than quick money.

A unique Talkshow conference where we present with business leaders the approaches we have come to love in their companies and want to spread to the world. We see our mission as inspiring all people who want to build better companies.
We can also share know-how online
Sometimes it happens that meeting in person is not possible, so we connect online. We use the latest technology to make the online meeting lively and fun,

Live streams with the best
Every month we invite one leader or expert from the COCUMA community to speak on a topic of interest. For example, from the field of marketing or sales and we will talk to him/her. We always stream the conversation to COCUMA companies. So you can broadcast it to the whole marketing department, for example.

It was a matter of prestige for us. If we want to show that humancraft is a good company, it was obvious that we need to be shown at COCUMA.
Když jsme v Impact Hub Praha před 3 lety zrušili kariérní stránky a z webu kandidáty přesměrovali na náš profil na COCUMA, záhy se ukázalo, že to bylo skvělé rozhodnutí. Petr Skondrojanis se svým týmem dokážou naprosto skvěle nacítit a popsat firemní kulturu a z Cocumy se v mezičase stal (kromě referralu) náš nejúspěšnější zdroj kandidátů.
Since the start COCUMA was connected with the word Cocoon in my eyes. You see an image of a tree with nests/cocoons of companies hanging from it, and beautiful butterflies and birds/projects flying out. This symbol makes sense as if you visit COCUMA, you will be astonished by its culture and aesthetics that connects all of us hanging from that tree. And that‘s also what I felt at our last Coco meetup.
Not many people knew of Eyelevel when we were starting our cooperation with COCUMA. This place helped a lot with broadening our reach, our identity and values. Even though it was not the main source of new applicants – still made most of that job – those that found us through COCUMA where those who fit in best. And we showed our COCUMA profile to those that came thanks to other portals so that they would know where they are applying to.
In 2021 COCUMA companies posted 1,244 job openings and 5,436 applicants responded. What companies say most often, they get better quality applicants from COCUMA.
Pricing! How much does it all cost?
Transparency everywhere. Discount culture is not our thing.
We wouldn‘t be able to enforce the principle of transparency if we ourselves charged different prices to our customers. That‘s why our price list is available to everyone. We base the prices of individual profile on the amount of work we must put in while creating them. Non-profits are charged at 50 % and we barter every now and then, but really not that much. We can ensure you get 100% quality for the price you pay. In all aspects.

Size S profile
Companies and teams of maximum of 30 people, sharing an office or a coworking space will fit into the S profile.
The profile contents:
Price for creation and the one year license to use the profile
70 000 CZK
Size M profile
Size M fits companies of maximum of 100 people in one or more locations
The profile contents:
Price for creation and one year the license to use the profile
130 000 CZK

Size L profile
Large profile for large companies of over 100 colleagues working from different locations in the Czech Republic.
The profile contents
Price for creation and one year the license to use the profile
250 000 CZK

Want more? Try our XL version!
Tailored to your needs. This profile is designed for companies in the Czech Republic or abroad that want to use other creative elements, take photos in other countries, create graphic visual material, shoot a teambuilding video or create a company culture presentation for their annual meeting. Everything you though about but were too afraid to ask.
The profile contents:
Price for creation and one year the license to use the profile
Starting at 300 000 CZK
Price for one-year extension: 60 % of the original price
PExample of XL Profile: EYELEVEL
Příklad další tvorby související s profilem: Example of more product connected to the profile: A special job advert with a video for the position of a Global Marketing Director (the vacancy has been filed successfully)
A great tool to use
We will advice you on how to be even better
You become part of a great community of companies
- Our COCUMA Page Builder is a perfect tool for creating the most creative ads.
- You will enjoy publishing them.
- Petr Vágner‘s amazing photos, made perfect by years of practice. You can use these on your social medias or at career portals.
- Unlimited amount of job ads for free (excluding Super Jobs)
- Super Jobs – you can publish new open positions using a micro-site you can put anything to. Really anything (apart from any illegal content)
- A consultation of our findings is always a part of what we do.
- We will help you point out those things you should focus on, what you can use as a „bait“ for future colleagues, as we all agreed on it during the interviews.
- We can also show you your weak spots. Polishing little details will make you perfect. We often see things differently and, being outsiders, we see more.
- We can give good advice. We have visited many great companies and we have seen many approaches to various HR topics. We can help you choose the best way for you.
- As we have mentioned before, COCUMA is an exclusive portal and thanks to that you will gain an imaginary badge of a verified company culture.
- We connect individual companies as we like to see people with the same values cooperate.
- We organize events meant to network COCUMA companies, we support „our“ companies in other communities as well.
- You‘ll be in good company. And that is priceless.